Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you don’t know something.

Talk about what expectations the family have regarding discipline.

Once you arrive with your host family, try to get to know each other as much as possible about them.

Offer help and play with the children to make the family feel confident about you. A welcome gift that has relevance to country is always a good idea and creates a good conversation point.

Families are always interested to know more about you and your family.  It may be a good idea to have information about where you live, pictures of your family and house.  You will also be able to use some of the pictures in your room to make you feel more at home.

Find a moment when the family are free, to go through your daily duties to ensure you understand everything before you start. For example, if you have questions about how to prepare the children’s lunches, what they like to eat or even how to use an appliance that you’re not sure about.

It is very common to experience homesickness in the first few weeks.  Being reserved and not participating in activities may give the family the idea that you don’t like them, even if it is not the case. Talking to your family here and back home will help you get through it. Try to make new friends and spend time with your host family. Getting involved in the family activities, going out with them is a good way to be introduced to their friends.   You will need to take some responsibility for yourself as well.  Get out and see the town. Get to know your way around. You will always find things to see and do. After all you are in a new place.

If for any reason you feel like speaking with someone, don’t forget we at Nanny Au Pair are here to help.  Giving advice to both families and Au pairs.

If things are not working out how you wanted or expected, you may have to have a difficult conversation with the family. This is may be hard to do but, an early conversation may clear up a simple lack of understanding. Work with the family. Your role as the au pair is to make life easier for the family. If you let a matter go on for too long then it may have serious consequences not to mention the emotional toll that can sometimes be generated.

Want to make your profile stand out?  Then why not up load a short video application.  Use your imagination. Get your video camera and get yourself noticed.  Families are also very interested in seeing pictures of you.  Make sure you put pictures on your profile.  Families take more notice of profiles with pictures.

You are on a working holiday, with the emphasis on working.  A host family has expectations and needs.  A cheap working holiday for you is the benefit. Don’t abuse the opportunity.

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